How Does Hypnobirthing Work?
Posted on January 23, 2025 | By Danielle Springall
You may have heard the word ‘hypnobirthing’ being used, but are you wondering what it actually is or how it works? You may also be wondering ‘is hypnobirthing for me?’.
If so, then I hope you will get some answers here…
What is Hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing has evolved over the last few years (even since I did my own hypnobirthing course in Cleethorpes in 2018). It isn’t as weird as it maybe sounds, and it’s definitely not hypnosis in the sense that you probably think!
Let’s break it down, the ‘hypno’ in hypnobirthing may have you a little worried – you may even think that I’m going to hypnotized you, take control of your mind and make you cluck around like a chicken! Well rest assured, I am not. If you’re reading this, your likely to be giving birth in Grimsby or the surrounding areas, not on a stage with a ‘hypnotist’. In hypnobirthing, we are talking about self-hypnosis. You and your birth partner will learn how to get into a deep state of relaxation and how to use this deep relaxation to prepare for labour, birth and beyond.
A hypnobirthing course will also include a really detailed antenatal education – you and your birth partner will find out exactly what happens during labour, what your body is actually doing during each stage and why they are all so important. Like, for example, during those early irregular contractions (the ones where you’re not actually sure whether it is labour or not), it might seem pointless and frustrating at the time, but it plays such a vital role in the big picture and there are so many things that you can do during that stage that will impact the rest of the labour!
The Science Behind Hypnobirthing
Hypnobirthing practice is all based around how your mind and body work together during labour. When you’re feeling calm and safe, your body produces oxytocin – the hormone that keeps contractions going – and endorphins, which are like your body’s natural painkillers. Hypnobirthing uses things like relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, and visualisation to help you stay relaxed and switch on your body’s “rest and digest” mode. This stops stress hormones like adrenaline from kicking in, which can make labour feel harder and slow things down. By staying calm and confident, hypnobirthing helps your body do what it’s designed to do, making the whole experience smoother and more positive.
For more information, there’s a recent study that you can access here, which looks at the impact of hypnobirthing during both pregnancy and birth.

Does Hypnobirthing Mean a Pain Free Birth?
This is something that comes up so much when I talk about hypnobirthing, and there isn’t actually a straightforward answer to it. Some women do say that their birth was pain free, however they use words like ‘pressure’ and ‘intense’ instead to describe the sensations. A similar comparison that I use in class is a story about my husband and I having a tattoo – I was so nervous, I got myself some numbing cream, applied it before I went and then laid there all tense and felt every single part of it. Liam on the other hand, he nods off and has a little snooze! We both had the same tattooist, the same experience, but felt it in very different ways – it’s all down to preparation and expectation. Hypnobirthing can take you from anxious and tense to relaxed and calm (although, I can’t guarantee you’ll nod off!).
When is Hypnobirthing Most Effective?
Hypnobirthing actually has a place in pregnancy, labour, birth and beyond. The ‘ideal’ time to take a hypnobirthing course is between 20 and 30 weeks of pregnancy, however, I did mine at 15 weeks pregnant and used all of the techniques straight away. If you are more than 30 weeks pregnant, then it’s not too late, get in touch and we can chat through your options.
I actually still use the tools and techniques that I learnt in my hypnobirthing course now – when I’m waiting for a blood test, before an important meeting and even during toddler tantrums (or adult arguments!). Hypnobirthing has taught me skills for life and impacted me so much – hence why I want to share these skills with you!

If you’re interested in hypnobirthing in Grimsby and the surrounding areas, you can read more about the benefits of my course.

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