Differences in your 2nd pregnancy
Posted on November 25, 2024 | By Danielle Springall
Giving birth is a different experience for everyone and no two births are the same – I can definitely vouch for that! But giving ourselves to reflect on our birth experience after it has happened can definitely help as we prepare for another baby.
The Opportunity to Reflect
As you start your journey into the wonderful world of hypnobirthing, you will find yourself thinking about your previous births and reflecting on what went well, what you would change and maybe even understand why things unfolded as they did (the expected and the unexpected). You will learn about the process of birth and what is actually happening in your body – which can be so eye opening, like, who knew that the early stages of labour may be long and feel like they’re dragging, but they are possibly one of the most important parts!!

“I want it to be different”
This is such a common thing to hear, so many people head into their second pregnancy feeling like they want to have more control over their birth experience this time. An antenatal education can make a whole world of difference when it comes down to labour. Knowing exactly how your mind works and how you can train your mind to be in control and have a positive outlook on labour can really help to shape your birth experience. Imagine walking into an antenatal appointment, understanding what they’re talking about, knowing what to ask and being in the drivers seat? This is the difference that hypnobirthing made to me, and I’m sure it can have the same impact on you.
Tips for Positivity
Let’s talk positivity, this is my favourite part of hypnobirthing – the difference a positive mindset can have on your birth experience. Here are my top 3 tips for keeping a positive mindset during pregnancy and into labour:
1. Surround yourself with positive birth stories – read them, listen to them, watch them… try to stay away from the drama that surrounds birth on TV (after all, a calm and peaceful birth wouldn’t make good TV!).
2. Get some affirmations around the house – the more we tell our mind that ‘My body is made for this’ or ‘I embrace the power of birth and I know that I am strong’, the more we will believe it, internalise it and become it.
3. Spend time bonding with your baby – you’re in this together, you’re working as a team to grow and you are going to work as a team during labour and birth. Talk to your baby, read them stories, stroke your bump and let them know how truly loved and wanted they are.
My Induction at Diana Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby
When I had my first baby, Paisley, I was induced on the Maternity Ward in Grimsby. There were a few complications and induction was the right thing for us at that time. The process was fairly long and I didn’t feel massively in control, I used my hypnobirthing techniques to help me to breathe through the contractions and as I entered transition – which I found the hardest part of labour – I was able to put one of my guided meditations on and regain focus.
My Second Pregnancy and Birth Preparation
I knew as soon as I was pregnant for a second time that I wanted to avoid induction and go into labour naturally. This is where hypnobirthing and antenatal education really had an impact with me. I spent my time reading books, focusing on building the trust in my body and reframing my mind. I went into labour with my first baby afraid and anxious, so this time I wanted to go into labour feeling empowered and in control. I listened to my hypnobirthing tracks every evening as I fell asleep and practised my breathing techniques every time I felt anxious, whether that was a blood test, an antenatal appointment at Grimsby hospital or when my mind had doubts in my ability.
My Homebirth in Grimsby
When I finally went into labour with my second baby, Morgan, I felt so relieved that my body knew what it was doing and my baby was on its way. Everything that I had been practicing and working towards was happening, I knew that I needed to keep the oxytocin (the love hormone) flowing, so spent lots of time playing with Paisley, cuddling her and reminding myself that this is what my body was made for. I focussed on everything that I had learnt about being mobile, staying upright, laughing, massage and repeating the affirmation, ‘Each surge brings me closer to my baby’. It was everything I had planned. Morgan finally made her appearance in the early hours of the morning, at home, in a birth pool, surrounded by fairy lights.
So, if your first birth wasn’t exactly the birth of your dreams, then Hypnobirthing could be the answer that you are looking for. You could spend some time learning about the birth process and how you can support your mind and body in order to make it the best possible experience.
Not only that, your birth partner can join you and ensure that you’re both on the same page, then when it comes down to labour, they will know exactly what the plan is, what is happening at each stage and (possibly most importantly) how to support you.
Check out my antenatal hypnobirthing course availability or read more about the benefits of my course.

Discover more about my Hypnobirthing Courses

Read about the benefits of Developmental Baby Massage

Join me for Developmental Play Gym sessions and learn how to support your baby through their milestones

Pregnant and living in Grimsby? Download my FREE guide to having a baby with local tips and advice.